You hear it every time you see your dentist: remember to floss! But is flossing really that beneficial? As it turns out, yes, it is, and your dentist has been nagging you for a valid reason. Flossing makes a significant improvement in your oral health, and dentists see those differences first-hand. If you’re curious about the benefits of flossing, then keep reading about the surprising facts of Flossing.
Let’s be honest—flossing isn’t fun. It’s uncomfortable to pull a piece of string between your teeth, and sometimes even painful. But on the other hand, it prevents oral health problems. Even if you brush your teeth regularly, bacteria and germs still get wedged between your teeth. Food debris builds up in these small spaces and creates cavities. The only way to completely clean your teeth is by flossing between each one. It breaks up the plaque that forms when bacteria stays on your teeth. Plaque, if it isn’t removed from your teeth, will harden into tartar. This causes bad breath and unhealthy gums – it could even lead to gum disease. Tartar stains your teeth and can only be removed by a dentist. While it might be uncomfortable, flossing is the best form of preventative care for your teeth – it cleans what toothbrushes leave behind.
Oral Health Bleeding Gums
It can be discouraging to floss your teeth and discover that your gums are inflamed. Bleeding gums are unsightly. Rest assured, this does not mean that flossing is harming your teeth. It is actually a sign that you need to floss more because food debris has caused inflammation in the gums. Continue to floss daily and you should see signs of improvement. Even though flossing may irritate your gums initially but gradually it reduces inflammation.
Your teeth and gums affect more than just your mouth. Did you know that periodontal disease, a form of gum disease, has been linked to heart conditions? Flossing prevents gum disease. Those looking to keep their heart healthy should consider taking extra care of their teeth. Gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease, eventually leads to receding gums and tooth decay. New research points to the fact, that our oral health is closely linked with our overall health. Flossing actually lowers your risk of having a heart attack. To prevent serious health issues and to keep your gums and heart healthy, charleswood dentist highly recommends flossing.
Flossing vs Brushing
Flossing is more effective than brushing your teeth alone. To maximize oral health, floss before you brush your teeth. Flossing should become a regular habit for those who want a healthy mouth along with fresh breath and a beautiful smile. It’s the most effective way to prevent tooth decay. Have any further questions about flossing? Or maybe this post has reminded you that it’s time to get your teeth cleaned? Westside Dental Group is here for you, and our offices have just reopened. If you are looking for a Charleswood dentist, contact us today.