Most parents recognize that their children need to begin cleaning their teeth as soon as they start to grow in. However, there is more to cleaning your child’s teeth than brushing. Flossing is an important part of your child’s dental care routine that should not be disregarded. Figure out when it is the ideal opportunity for your child to start flossing.

A good flossing routine will contribute to good oral health as it eliminates food particles from between your teeth. If untreated, the food that stays between teeth can lead to long term issues like decay and gum disease.

When Should Children Start Flossing?

Regardless of the fact that your child’s first set of teeth will fall out, it’s still very important to maintain a good oral care routine, to ensure that their second set of teeth will grow in without any issues. Implementing a strong flossing routine early on is significant for many reasons. 

When children figure out how to floss early, they are bound to proceed in doing so all throughout their entire life. Great flossing habits at an early age also can help guarantee that teeth and gums stay healthy.

As a general rule, parents should consider starting their children’s flossing routine when there are little to no gaps between their child’s teeth. This normally occurs between the ages of two and six. On the off chance that you’re uncertain about whether it is the ideal chance for your child to start flossing, talk with your child’s dental specialist at West Side Dental.

How Can I Teach My Children to Floss?

1.   Lead by example! Show your children how you would floss your own teeth, then assist them in flossing theirs. Ideally,.your child should be able to floss alone by the age of 10.

2.   Be sure to buy floss that is safe for children to prevent injury to the gums while your child is still learning.

3.  Be diligent! Make sure to remind your child about flossing every day until the habit is laid out and he/she can floss without reminders/assistance.

Pro tip: children are always excited about flossing and maintaining oral hygiene practices when they see their friends or siblings doing the same.

What are the Best Ways to Floss My Child’s Teeth?

Consider utilizing pre-threaded floss picks with colourful handles and give the illusion that you are getting your child to help! Your child will most definitely appreciate getting to hold a floss pick while you are flossing your kid’s teeth. 

What is the Best Time to Floss My Child’s Teeth?

The best time to floss your child’s teeth is the time that works for both you and your child. If mornings are hectic for the family, consider implementing the flossing routine at night. A good flossing routine is built into a solid oral care routine, and often makes sense to be done right after brushing.

The important thing is to lay out a daily schedule and guarantee that your child’s teeth get brushed and flossed each day. 

Finding Support From Your Dentist

The most effective way to ensure that your child has implemented proper dental hygiene habits is to ask your child’s dental specialist at West Side Dental for support. As a general rule, children should visit the dentist twice a year (at minimum). During a visit, you can request the dental specialist to examine the teeth and gums to ensure your child’s significant dental hygiene habits are up to par.