What To Do If Your Bridges Break


broken dental bridgesBroken Dental Bridges

A damaged dental bridge should be evaluated as soon as you find out about it. Letting a broken dental bridge sit longer that it needs to could lead to serious oral and health issues. In this post, we will be explaining how to properly handle a damaged dental bridge and the sources that can cause them. 

Dental bridges are a durable and effective solution to patients with missing teeth, completing a smile. However, they need to be cared for; and when they are, they can last for decades. Nevertheless, dental bridges can break over time if not properly cared for, and as a result, they need to be repaired or replaced. If this happens, it is important you contact a dentist immediately to have it fixed and prevent causing further damage. 

What Can Cause Damage To A Dental Bridge?

This is a common question we get here at West Side Dental. A dental bridge can suffer damage as a result of several factors. The most common cause is accidental trauma to the mouth. When an unexpected or unfavourable amount of force is applied, the sudden impact can cause significant damage to the mouth and bridge. 

Decay on a tooth is another factor that can damage a dental bridge. This is because a dental bridge needs a solid base to sit on. With decay, the core foundation is weakened and the structural integrity of the bridge is compromised. Tooth decay is commonly caused by irregular, or poor dental hygiene habits. Observing the dental practises dentist suggests helps prolong the lifespan of dental bridges. 

Depending on the cause of damage to a bridge, and severity of damage, there are different possible solutions. 

What To Do If Your Dental Bridges is Broken

If you discover that your dental bridge has suffered damage in your mouth, the first thing you should do is take pressure off the bridge. Doing so will stop the damage from progressing further. As soon as you can, call your dentist to explain what happened and schedule an appointment. Give all the details while describing the situation and discuss next steps. 

How Are Broken Bridges Fixed?

The process of fixing a broken bridge is determined by the damage and condition of its surroundings. In some cases where there is a slight chip or crack, the bridge can be fixed with a dental bonding material. Most solutions depend on the supporting teeth. 

In drastic cases, or cases where the supporting teeth are damaged due to degradation or decay, the bridge will most likely be replaced with a new version designed to accommodate the new surroundings. 

Your dentist will recommend the best solution for you based on the extent of damage. They will also help you get back to that wonderful and confident smile of yours while showing you ways to maintain your overall dental health. 

Visiting the qualified dentists at West Side Dental means you get efficient treatment as soon as possible as we hope to restore full function of your mouth. 

Ways to Prevent Damage of Dental Bridge

Accidents can always happen, but we have some preventive steps you can take to keep your dental bridge to work perfectly. For starters, you should practise sensible oral health care routines at home. These include brushing and flossing to protect your teeth and gums. 

If you currently have a loose or damaged dental bridge, we strongly encourage you to WestSide Dental Group, and get an appointment to meet one of our dentists. We are always happy to help with preventative maintenance and emergencies. 

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