children dentist

Has your infant started to develop teeth? If so, you may be wondering when it’s time to have their mouth examined. Visiting the dental office at a young age will help introduce your child to the dentist. For children who have anxiety, a quick and easy check-up can help to alleviate any fears. The benefits of an early dental visit may be more than you’d expect – one benefit, in particular, will make your wallet happy. Keep reading to find out the advantages of a dental check-up, and why you should bring your child in before they reach 36 months of age.

It’s important that you start taking your child to the dentist from a young age; the Canadian Dental Association recommends that your infant sees the dentist within 6 months of the first tooth eruption. There are some common misconceptions about teeth cleaning for young children. Some parents wonder why they should fix cavities in baby teeth if they’re due to fall out anyway. But an untreated problem can lead to gum disease, even in infants. Save your child from tooth pain and confidence issues by bringing them to the dentist twice a year.

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why you should take your child to the dentist before the age of three is that it will be free! That’s right: free. Along with the other benefits that come with dental check-ups, you won’t have to pay a dime as long as your child is under 36 months old. This visit takes no more than 15 minutes and is a way for the dentist to examine your child’s oral health.

Ever wonder whether your teeth cleaning regimen is working? Taking your child to the dentist will help you identify problem areas that may be developing. It can prevent minor issues from turning into cavities. Your dentist will show you if your home cleaning routine is effective. By catching small problems early, you can prevent your child from suffering from more serious oral health issues later on. 

An early dental visit can allow the dentist to make sure that your child’s teeth are coming in properly. Preventative care is the best way to maintain good oral health – the earlier you bring them in, the better. It creates healthy habits that will last a lifetime. If you have questions about how to take better care of your child’s teeth, a dentist can answer them. Tiny teeth in tiny mouths can be challenging to clean! A dentist will demonstrate the easiest way to reach every tooth, and recommend products that can help keep them strong. If your child has teeth growing in and is struggling with the pain, a dentist can offer ways to alleviate the difficulties of teething.

Do you need a dentist for kids in Winnipeg? WestSide Dental Group assists your child in feeling comfortable during their visit. By making our dentist office an approachable place, we help reduce any anxiety that can come with check-ups. Our clinic at Winnipeg also has kid-friendly television shows, so your child can look forward to watching TV while they have their teeth examined. We offer dental check-ups for all kids under the age of three at no charge. Call us today to book a free dental check-up with your child!